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Saturday, July 16, 2005

London Bombing

Marie Fatayi-Williams, the mother of one of those who are missing in July 7, 2005 London bombing, after the attacks, she delivered an impassioned condemnation of the bombings:

"They [the perpetrators] are not warriors. Which cause has been served? Certainly not the cause of God, not the cause of Allah, because God Almighty only gives life and is full of mercy. Anyone who has been misled, or is being misled, to believe that by killing innocent people he or she is serving God should think again because it's not true. Terrorism is not the way, terrorism is not the way. It doesn't beget peace. We can't deliver peace by terrorism. Never can we deliver peace by killing people. Throughout history, those people who have changed the world have done so without violence, they have (won) people to their cause through peaceful protest. Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi -- their discipline, their self-sacrifice, their conviction made people turn towards them, to follow them. What inspiration can senseless slaughter provide? Death and destruction of young people in their prime as well as old and helpless can never be the foundations for building society."


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